Hello Friends !
Please feel free to browse through my sketches. My initial sketches were of birds which you can find by selecting the early period of my posting on the Right Hand Side of the page. Select the months to view the respective sketches ... I will be happy to receive any Feedback ( through comments ) ... Enjoy !

Saturday, 14 June 2014

Sunday, 8 June 2014

My first 3D Sketch

This is, as you can see, a 3 dimensional sketch of trees and birds and a pencil. The shadows were tricky to make since you have to have knowledge of  how shadows fall and how they would look when light falls on the object particularly at that angle. The pencil was an added feature, so that it would give the sketch a more realistic feel. 3D sketches are simple to make once you get the idea behind how you want it to be, and from which angle you want it to be. In this sketch, the source of light is from the top-left corner so the shadows are formed directed towards the lower-right corner. When you understand how you need to make the shadows, you are halfway there in order to make your own 3D sketch!!